jueves, abril 28, 2011

Miami is Hot, Sweaty and Tan / Miami esta Caliente, Sudoros@ y broncead@

I have always thought, felt that every city has a gender. It doesn't have to do with the letters of the name, it has to do with the feeling, the skin, the light, the people.

Siempre he pensado sentido que cada ciudad tiene un genero (masculino o femenino). No tiene nada que ver con las letras o la fonetica de sus nombres; tiene que ver con el feeling, el tejido, la luz, la gente.

Think about it!!

Buenos Aires (a man in his 50's)
Barcelona (a woman i her 30's)
Paris (a woman in her 40's)
Havana (a woman in her 20's)
Rio de Janeiro (a  man in his 20's)
London (a man in his 50's)
New York (a woman in her 30's)
Bogota (a woman in her 20's)
Mar del Plata (a teenager)
Istanbul (a guy in his 40's)
Los Angeles (a man in his 50's)
Austin (a really cool guy in his 20's)
Madrid (a woman in he 40's)

Miami!! (completely gay, in the 30's)

Here two tourists looking good, walking on the pink sidewalks of Miami Beach.

martes, abril 19, 2011

Huaraches contemplations / Contemplaciones Huaracheras

One of the first shoes that I remember "clearly" wearing, were a pair of white patent leather Mary Janes,   an unexpected present from a neighbor returning from a trip to Miami. Those were the fancy shoes, the ones I remember wearing in pain, because they were to tight.
Another set of shoes I remember ‘clearly”, were two pairs of sandals, humble huaraches with a tire sole and leather suede top, these super comfortable shoes were made by my father, by hand, in 1982, one pair black, another white.  I was the only one wearing “family made” shoes and I remember being very ashamed of this.  
My parents divorced when I was two years old.
I had a fatherless childhood, and for some periods of time a shoeless one, but thanks to the Cuba of the 80’s never Artless.

A new take on huaraches and a traditional Mexican style (super cute for little ones)

Huaraches Boots by Sigerson Morrison

The Jalapeno Huaraches

Uno de los primeros zapatos de los que me acuerdo eran blancos de charol. Yo tendria unos 5 anos y estos zapatos fueron un regalo de un vecino que habia regresado de un viaje a Miami.
Estos eran los zapatos de salir, de vestir, de ir a fiestas de cumpleanos, a bodas, los zapatos que no se podian romper, que habia que cuidar. Me acuerdo de haberlos usado aun cuando eran demasiado pequenos y del alivio que sentia al quitarmelos.
Otro par de zapatos de los que me acuerdo claramente eran dos pares de Huarachas, humildes sandalias hechas con suela de goma de rueda de carro, y tiras de cuero entrelazadas. Un par blanco y otro café, hechas a mano por mi papa en 1982. Me acuerdo de sentir verguenza al usar estos zapatos hechos en casa, yo queria zapatos hechos en una fabrica, con una etiqueta.
Mis padres se divorciaron cuando yo tenia dos anos.
Tuve una infancia sin padre, y por ratos, sin zapatos. Pero como ven en las fotos,llena de musica y baile.

lunes, abril 04, 2011

Black Lace in Miami

I used to be a fan of cotton panties, white, crisp, comfortable, simple cotton panties. Now I am a fan of lace panties, sexy, bikini (never string), delicate, multicolored lace panties... must be the thirties.

Siempre me habia considerado una fan de los calzones, bragas, bloomers, bombachas, panties de algodon 100%, blanquit@as, comod@s, simples. Ahora soy fan del encaje, sexy, delicado, en todos los colores... deben ser los treintas. 
This morning at Eastern Shores, Miami

viernes, abril 01, 2011

Blue hat, blue suit, blue sunglasses... blue shoes

Remember this Post ... I found her a Blue Guy.
Recuerdan este Post... le encontre novio azul.

North Miami Beach