I'm a lover, an admirer of urban artistic expressions. A few weeks ago I watched the documentary "Exit Trough the Gift Shop", (I'm really ignorant about art, even about the pieces and artists I love), so for me it was a instructive experience.
Sometimes I think that Miami is too a Tropical City to maintain a radical position about anything , so trends here are ephemerals. That's why I cherish every little encounter with any artistic expression.This was an unexpected encounter in Mid Town. It made feel strong, it gave me energy.
It was painted by Subi... the name, The Light Walkers II
Como venia diciendo... soy una amante, una admiradora de las expresiones artisticas urbanas. Hace algunas semanas vi el documental "Exit Trough the Gift Shop" y ademas de aprender un poco mas sobre mis artistas favoritos (soy super ignorante), me hizo formularme preguntas eticas y hasta sentir un poco la adrenalina de los graffiteros (mi alter ego).
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