viernes, agosto 26, 2011

My KinderGarten Graduation Peers Now / Mis Colegas de Kinder Ahora.

I feel lucky that I can look at this picture and (thanks to facebook) know where, how and with whom my kindergarten friends are right now. Before Facebook I used to wonder, remember, imagine everything about my friends; now I know that they are fathers, engineers, having fun, working hard, living their path. As emigrants, they are all spread around the world, Spain, USA, Canada, Italy; living a forced exile, happily adapted or not, and proudly Cubans.
About me, I can only say that I remember every single second about that day, I remember my teachers, all of my friends and that itchy lace dress. 

Esta es mi foto de graduacion de Kindergarten. Circulo Infantil Retoños Martiano, Varadero, Cuba, año 1983.
Antes del fenomeno Facebook solia mirar esta foto e imaginar una historia detrás de estos niños de 5 años. Me imaginaba que aquel niño inquieto que corría sin parar, estaría bailando enloquecido en una disco de Ibiza. Fantasiaba ubicandolos en vidas inventadas, preguntandome si se acordarán de mi como yo me acuerdo de ellos. Hoy gracias a Facebook he podido poner historias reales detras de algunas de esas caritas. Se que algunos estan viviendo un exilio forzado extrañando nuestra playa, nuestra archipielago; otros en Cuba... esperando. Me encantaria completar la lista.

1. Vanessa Gala. Lives between Spain and Germany, works as a BarTender for a European Hotel Chain.
As a kid she was always smiling.

2. Fernando Perez. Lives in Varadero, Cuba.
My first " 6th Special Birthday Guest"
3. Me with that itchy dress.

4. Nayvi Trujillo. Lives in Varadero, Cuba. Two children. Major in Art History.
One of my best friends. I have never met a woman smarter that this Girl.


5. Humberto.

6- Tonito. I thinks that he lives in New York.
He was skinny and electric. The son of the Day Care Director.

7. Ailen Suarez. 
Very sweet and petite. The daughter of the swimming instructor.

8-Yulien. Just had his first baby!
He was an active kid!

9. Rodny Molina. Lives in San Francisco, California. Software Engineer.
He was the TALLEST.

 10. Lissette Molina.
As her brother, she was the TALLEST.

 11. Nayda Ballester. Lives in Italy. Mother of a girl.
Always a Beauty.

12. Adriana
13. Yamplier. Lives in Canada.
One of my best friends. We used to fight and reconcile a LOT.

miércoles, agosto 17, 2011

Avatar Roku in New Orleans

Only for Avatar fans / Solo para los fanaticos de Avatar.

This are a few things that you should know about me.

- I love to dance
- I cannot lie.
- I am an ART fan.
- I reject Snobism
- I belong to the 70's or to the future.
- I'm proud of my sense of humor


I am a BIG, HUGE fan of only one thing in the whole world... well maybe three, well four or five.

The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, George Carlin, Nikola Tesla... and

Avatar, the Nickelodeon Animated Series.
I'm thinking of leaving my kids (in case of a disgrace) to the creators of this amazing serial.

So I was walking the streets of New Orleans and founded Avatar Roku, hiding behind the name of St Jude.

here's Avatar Roku on the  Avatar series.


this is Avatar Roku as St Jude in New Orleans

domingo, agosto 14, 2011

Summer Road Trip / Viaje de Verano

Aqui les dejo algunas fotos de mi viaje. Los niños de vacaciones, la casa, mi falta de disciplina y desorden mental me dejan con el tiempo desperdiciado. Será que cumplo con ese Karma en esta vida?

Some more pictures from my trip. The children without school, the house, my lack of discipline and mental mess are leaving me with a lot a wasted time. I hope I can finish that Karma in this life.

It sounds easy, but how? - Suena fácil, pero cómo? New Orleans

The monster - La monstruo. New Orleans
New Orleans
Sometimes I like a good pile of Assorted JUNK. New Orleans
Always. Siempre. Austin (of course), Texas
Yep, that´s the Hyatt on the background. What did he do? Austin, Texas
You will be an ARTIST! Austin, Texas