domingo, enero 23, 2011

Love is in the...

air wall...

I love murals... those unexpected visual attacks to your conscience, your sensibility, your judgement and your aesthetic sense. 

I've been dying to take the Miami Critical Mass bike tour that goes around the murals and graffiti expressions on The Design District... of course at this time I have four months to just imagine how cool that tour would be.

Recently I found this... I'm sure you will enjoy it

Happy Sunday

La Modelo Perfecta

look at the entire project here... it was hard to choose just one to post.

which one moved you?

jueves, enero 20, 2011

I heart H&M... Yo amo H&M

But this is just another of my platonic relation ships... the nearest H&M store is located just four hours away from my house... well maybe they know about my H&M weakness... maybe they are just SAVING me from bankruptcy... 

and on top of the ... 4 hours drive.. H&M is the only store in the world without Online Shopping... that is why I don't own any piece of cloth whith H&M as the maker.

how cool is that?

not cool at all!

the universe and the people from H&M, are saving my family from starvation. 

Thank you The Universe

I would be rocking this outfit... and $150 in debt.
Pero este es otro de mis amores platónicos.
El H&M mas cercano a mi casa esta a cuatro horas en carro. H&M es el único comerciante de ropa, del mundo, que no tiene sucursal en linea. Quizá ellos saben de mi debilidad y me están salvando de la bancarrota.

miércoles, enero 19, 2011

Move over Helena...

I confess... but first, let me assure you, that I'm smart, cultured, with a fulfilled interior life... and that my house was clean... and my kids were too.

OK... now the confession... 

I watched the Red Carpet of the Golden Globes Awards 2011... and I watched them on E!

Please, Mr judge and people of the jury... be kind to me. I promise I will only watch the Oscars... and the Emmy's... you have to understand I was feeling lonely.... I wasn't myself.

and that other self... loved it, the dresses, the hair, the shoes... the body language.  

Down the Red Carpet there was an actress with whom I have a love and hate relationship... 

OK... now define RELATIONSHIP...

that lady would be Helena Bonham Carter. I love her movies... her craft... her husband's mind... but I'm not crazy about the real persona, and the fashion sense. She thinks she is so Cool wearing odd shoes to the Red Carpet... and she is just so lame. 

Let me tell you something Helena, before your Pink and Green shoes... there was a Perfect Model with Purple and Yellow... two years ago... and canary socks... and rainbow nails. 

You think you are the coolest... 
She is...

And you are not.
and canary socks...

and rainbow nails.

viernes, enero 14, 2011

Change of Paths... Cambio de Ruta

On December 24 I was cooking some sweet potatoes, my grandmother was working on the black beans, and my mom was doing laundry. It was going to take some 30 minutes to the potatoes to be ready, so I decided to take my two boys for a walk. We were at Beech Mountain, NC, living the dream of a White End of the Year. 

The boys got ready, I got ready and we start walking down the street. It was a cold, crispy, grey afternoon. After a few steps, my oldest one propose to go sledging dawn a little hill, next to the cabin. I said, YES LETS GO, and this was the turning point of the trip and my life for the next year.

I went down that little hill and dislocated my ankle, in a Subtalar kind of a dislocation. 

Now, I'm at home, with a CAM walker, going around in a very funny artifact... and crutches. I cannot drive... and truly... and don't know where I'm standing in my life path.  I'm just trying to take care of my kids in the best way I can, and just keep going... the only thing... it's that I'm not sure Where

by the way... my grandmother finished the Sweet Potatoes recipe... we ate it two days after and it was delicious.